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3 min read
The Causative Form
Something native speakers often say, but don’t often write, is that they “had/got something done” for them. ESL students are often...

2 min read
How to Form English Questions
Regardless of level, anyone who learns English as a foreign language will occasionally make mistakes when forming questions. Many...

4 min read
Role-Modeling: Parents & Children in the Classroom
For many parents, the idea of working with their own children sounds great. The opportunity to bond over shared experience, knowledge,...

2 min read
Long O, or Short O? How Are they Spelled? Which do I use?
Determining whether to use Long O or Short O can be confusing because both are represented by the letter O. When unsure of which sound to...

2 min read
Impromptu Speaking: Some Tips
You speak fluent English all the time without issue, but when it come to improvising speech, your skills seem to falter. Applying the...

4 min read
6 ways to instantly elevate your writing skills….
Use simple words. Everyone wants to use big words, and long sentences. But this leads to several problems. First and foremost big words...

4 min read
My Child Isn’t Learning at the Right Pace. What Should I Do?
It happens all the time. A student brings home not one poor test grade, but two in a row, or maybe more. Many parents see this as cause...

6 min read
15 Words That ESL Students Don’t Realize They're Mispronouncing
When learning English in school most students are taught to read phonetically. Teaching students to use this technique may make the...

6 min read
Idioms for Everyday Situations
An idiom is a phrase used so commonly in one specific context, that it develops a meaning completely unrelated to the words that make the...

3 min read
10 Ways to Say Hello Without Ever Saying the Word Hello
In English, there are often many different ways to say one thing. For example, when native speakers greet one another, they often do so...

3 min read
Five General Tips for Clear Communication
Many who learn English as a foreign language find that they have trouble being understood when conversing with native English speakers....
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